
Puss in Boots

  Once there was a man who owned a mill. He lived with his three sons. One day, he fell terribly sick. He was almost certainly on his deathbed. Sure enough, over a week later, he died. He left his mill to his first son. He also left his donkey to his second son. But what he left for his third son was much less satisfactory. He left his third son his cat.  The third son was miserable. His brothers could make money with what was left to them, but he could not earn any money without selling the cat, which was all he had. Suddenly, the cat spoke. ‘Master, can I have some boots and a bag?’ it asked. The boy asked for some money from his brothers, and they gave him just enough to buy what the cat had asked for. He gave them to the cat. It put on the boots and took the bag.  He managed to catch a rabbit with it. The cat took the rabbit to the king. ‘Here is a gift from my master.’ it said. ‘Thank you, and who is your master?’ said the king. ‘The Marquis of Carrabas’ it said. Soo...

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

  Once upon a time, there were three billy goats called Gruff. One day, they set off up the hillside that they lived on. They were going to look for some tasty grass to eat.  On the way up the hillside, they came to a river. On the other side, there was a beautiful meadow. In the meadow there was a lot of grass. It was the finest grass they had ever seen. There was a wooden bridge over the river, but under the bridge, there lived a very big and ugly troll. People were afraid to cross the bridge because the troll gobbled up any person who tried to cross it.  The three billy goats Gruff were very, very scared at the thought of the troll, yet they longed to eat the sweet grass on the other side of the bridge. After a while, the youngest goat told the others that he would try to cross the bridge first. Trip-trap-trip-trap went the hooves of the youngest billy goat Gruff. Out popped the ugly troll’s big head. It was so big and ugly that the first billy goa Gruff almost fell do...


  One day, a man took his daughter to see the king. He told the king that his daughter could spin straw into gold. This was a lie, as this could not be done without some form of magic. However, the king believed this lie, and he took the girl to a room with heaps of heaps of heaps of straw. He told her that she had to spin all the straw in the room into gold before the next day. He went outside and closed the door. Once he was gone, the girl began to cry. ‘I cannot do this!’ she sobbed.  Suddenly, a funny little man came into the room. He told the girl that if she gave him her necklace, he would spin all the straw into gold. The girl agreed, and soon all the straw had been turned into gold.  The same thing happened the next day, except that there was even more straw and that the little man had asked for the girl’s ring. The next day, the king told the girl that if she spun even more straw, she would be his queen. The funny little man came back and asked for the girl’s fir...

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

  Once upon a time, there was a wood in which three bears lived in a little cottage some way into the wood. Father Bear was the biggest of the lot. Mother Bear was an average-sized bear, although still very big. They had a son who was called Baby Bear, and he was the smallest bear who ever set foot in their cottage.  One sunny morning, Mother Bear made porridge for breakfast. She put the porridge into three bowls. One was very large, another was just big enough for Mother Bear to use, and the last one was very small, but big enough for Baby Bear to use. The porridge was very hot, so the bears went for a walk while the porridge cooled. Now, at the edge of the wood there lived a little girl with her parents in another little cottage. She had golden hair, which is why she was called Goldilocks. On that very morning, before breakfast-time Goldilocks also went for a walk in the woods. Soon, she came to the three bears’ cottage. The door was wide open, and she saw nobody inside when...

Merry Christmas


The Story of the Birth of Lord Jesus

  Christmas is the perfect occasion to narrate the story of the birth of Jesus. Here is the story. A young woman called Mary lived in a town called Nazareth and was engaged to a man named Joseph. One night, God sent an angel to visit Mary. The angel said to Mary, “God is very pleased with you and you will soon give birth to a baby boy. Name him Jesus for he shall be God’s son.” Mary was afraid but trusted in God and believed that all would be well. The angel, who was named Gabriel, told Mary to live with her cousin Elizabeth and her husband Zachariah as they would soon be the parents of a child who would prepare the way for Lord Jesus. Mary lived with her cousin for three months and returned to Nazareth. Meanwhile, Joseph was worried about Mary having a child before they got married, but an angel appeared in Joseph’s dream and told him that Mary would give birth to the Son of God. He was also told not to be afraid and to take Mary as his lawfully wedded wife. Jesus means Savior a...

Dick Whittington

  Once upon a time, there was a boy named Dick Whittington. He was an orphan who did not have any money. One day, he set off for London. He wanted to look for work. He was going there because he had heard that the streets were paved with gold and that it was an enormous place. London was a long way away, and he walked for days and days. When he got there, he found that the streets were not paved with gold, but also found that it was bigger than he had ever imagined and was not at all like his home.  He asked for work in all the houses and all the shops, but there was no work for him. After a few days, he was so hungry and tired that he went to sleep on the doorstep of a big house. Suddenly, as Dick drifted off to sleep, a cook came out of the house and started to chase him away. Just then, the man who owned the house came home. His name was Mr. Fitzwarren, and he was very rich. He decided to let the boy work in the kitchen. Dick worked hard in the kitchen every day. Mr. Fitzwa...