The Story of the Birth of Lord Jesus
Christmas is the perfect occasion to narrate the story of the birth of Jesus. Here is the story. A young woman called Mary lived in a town called Nazareth and was engaged to a man named Joseph. One night, God sent an angel to visit Mary. The angel said to Mary, “God is very pleased with you and you will soon give birth to a baby boy. Name him Jesus for he shall be God’s son.” Mary was afraid but trusted in God and believed that all would be well. The angel, who was named Gabriel, told Mary to live with her cousin Elizabeth and her husband Zachariah as they would soon be the parents of a child who would prepare the way for Lord Jesus. Mary lived with her cousin for three months and returned to Nazareth.
Meanwhile, Joseph was worried about
Mary having a child before they got married, but an angel appeared in Joseph’s
dream and told him that Mary would give birth to the Son of God. He was also
told not to be afraid and to take Mary as his lawfully wedded wife. Jesus means
Savior and the Child would indeed be a savior for his people. Joseph woke up
from his dream and the next day Joseph and Mary were married.
Sometime later, Joseph and Mary had
to travel to Bethlehem, which was a long way from Nazareth, because the king
wanted them to go to the city in which they were born. Mary’s baby had almost
arrived and hence they travelled at a very slow speed. When they reached
Bethlehem, they had no place to stay as all the inns were occupied by other
people. The couple took refuge in a humble stable with cows, goats and horses,
and the same night Jesus Christ was born. Jesus was put in the manger after he
was born and was wrapped in swaddling clothes.
The best present one can hope for this year is to spend time together.
May this Christmas season bring you closer to all those that you treasure in your heart. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!
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