Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Once upon a time, there was a wood in which three bears lived in a little cottage some way into the wood. Father Bear was the biggest of the lot. Mother Bear was an average-sized bear, although still very big. They had a son who was called Baby Bear, and he was the smallest bear who ever set foot in their cottage.
One sunny morning, Mother Bear made porridge for breakfast. She put the porridge into three bowls. One was very large, another was just big enough for Mother Bear to use, and the last one was very small, but big enough for Baby Bear to use. The porridge was very hot, so the bears went for a walk while the porridge cooled.
Now, at the edge of the wood there lived a little girl with her parents in another little cottage. She had golden hair, which is why she was called Goldilocks. On that very morning, before breakfast-time Goldilocks also went for a walk in the woods. Soon, she came to the three bears’ cottage. The door was wide open, and she saw nobody inside when she looked through it. As soon as she saw that she walked right in.
Goldilocks saw the porridge and smelt it, and suddenly felt very hungry, for she had not had her breakfast. She picked up the spoon that was lying next to the very large bowl and tasted the porridge in the very large bowl. ‘Ouch!’ she said, for the porridge was very hot. Then she tasted the porridge in the average- sized bowl and tasted it. She did not like it, for it was very lumpy. Then she picked up the very small spoon and tasted the porridge in the very small bowl. ‘Mmmmmmm!’ she said ‘This is just right!’ Soon, the bowl was empty!
Then, as she got up to leave, she saw three chairs. She was tired out after the walk and went over and sat on a very big chair that was evidently meant for the very big person whom the very large bowl of porridge was for. She sat down in it and found out that it was too high! Then, she saw an average-sized chair, went over, sat down, and found that it was too fluffy. She then saw a very small chair and sat on down. Even though it was really to small for her, she thought it was just right. After a few seconds, the chair broke under her weight!
Goldilocks was very sorry that she had broken the chair, but she could not fix it. She looked around and saw a door. She opened it and immediately realized that this was the bedroom. She saw three beds. One was very big, the next one was just big enough to fit in an average-sized bear, and the last one was tiny. Goldilocks was now tired and sleepy and climbed on to the very big bed and tried to fall asleep, but it was too hard for her. She then attempted to climb on to the medium-sized bed an tried to fall asleep, but the mattress was too soft. Then she lay down on the tiny bed. Soon, she was fast asleep.
When the bears returned, they saw that someone had been tasting their food. Baby Bear was very sad, since all his porridge had been eaten. He started crying when he saw the broken chair, but his sobs were not loud enough to wake Goldilocks up. When they saw that the bedroom door was open, they went in at once. They saw Goldilocks, who suddenly woke up. When she saw the bears, she jumped off the bed and ran for her life! By the time the bears got to the door, Goldilocks was out of sight. They never saw her again.
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