The Pied Piper of Hamelin


Once there was a town called Hamelin. The people who lived there were all very, very happy, until the rats came.

Many rats came to Hamelin. There were large rats and small rats, huge rats and tiny rats. The rats invaded the town and took over all the buildings. The people of Hamelin went to the mayor. They wanted him to get rid of the rodents. ‘How can I get rid of these rodents if they have taken over my own house?’ the mayor replied.

One day, a stranger dressed in red and yellow went to see the mayor. He had a pipe in his hand. ‘I am the Pied Piper,’ he said, ‘and I can make these rats go away.’ The mayor was delighted, since the people of Hamelin had threatened to choose another mayor if he did not get rid of the rats. The mayor promised to pay him a large sum of money if he would make them go away.

The Pied Piper went into the streets of Hamelin, began to play a tune and went towards the river. The rats stopped what they were doing and ran after him. When he got to the river, he crossed it. The rats jumped into the river and drowned.

The Pied Piper asked the mayor for his money, but the mayor refused. He said he had no money to give him. The Pied Piper went into the streets again and began to play another tune. All the children of Hamelin stopped what they were doing and ran to him. The Pied Piper led them out of the town and across the river. He led them to a mountain. Suddenly, the mountain opened, and he led the children inside. But one little boy who had hurt his leg was not quick enough to get in before the mountain closed. He went to the mayor and told him all that had happened. The people told the mayor that he had to leave the town and look for the children. So, he went to look for them. He looked and looked but he never found them. He is still looking now.


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