Once upon a time, there was a boy named Dick Whittington. He was an orphan who did not have any money. One day, he set off for London. He wanted to look for work. He was going there because he had heard that the streets were paved with gold and that it was an enormous place. London was a long way away, and he walked for days and days. When he got there, he found that the streets were not paved with gold, but also found that it was bigger than he had ever imagined and was not at all like his home. He asked for work in all the houses and all the shops, but there was no work for him. After a few days, he was so hungry and tired that he went to sleep on the doorstep of a big house. Suddenly, as Dick drifted off to sleep, a cook came out of the house and started to chase him away. Just then, the man who owned the house came home. His name was Mr. Fitzwarren, and he was very rich. He decided to let the boy work in the kitchen. Dick worked hard in the kitchen every day. Mr. Fitzwa...