
Showing posts from December, 2020

Merry Christmas


The Story of the Birth of Lord Jesus

  Christmas is the perfect occasion to narrate the story of the birth of Jesus. Here is the story. A young woman called Mary lived in a town called Nazareth and was engaged to a man named Joseph. One night, God sent an angel to visit Mary. The angel said to Mary, “God is very pleased with you and you will soon give birth to a baby boy. Name him Jesus for he shall be God’s son.” Mary was afraid but trusted in God and believed that all would be well. The angel, who was named Gabriel, told Mary to live with her cousin Elizabeth and her husband Zachariah as they would soon be the parents of a child who would prepare the way for Lord Jesus. Mary lived with her cousin for three months and returned to Nazareth. Meanwhile, Joseph was worried about Mary having a child before they got married, but an angel appeared in Joseph’s dream and told him that Mary would give birth to the Son of God. He was also told not to be afraid and to take Mary as his lawfully wedded wife. Jesus means Savior a...

Dick Whittington

  Once upon a time, there was a boy named Dick Whittington. He was an orphan who did not have any money. One day, he set off for London. He wanted to look for work. He was going there because he had heard that the streets were paved with gold and that it was an enormous place. London was a long way away, and he walked for days and days. When he got there, he found that the streets were not paved with gold, but also found that it was bigger than he had ever imagined and was not at all like his home.  He asked for work in all the houses and all the shops, but there was no work for him. After a few days, he was so hungry and tired that he went to sleep on the doorstep of a big house. Suddenly, as Dick drifted off to sleep, a cook came out of the house and started to chase him away. Just then, the man who owned the house came home. His name was Mr. Fitzwarren, and he was very rich. He decided to let the boy work in the kitchen. Dick worked hard in the kitchen every day. Mr. Fitzwa...

The Elves and the Shoemaker

Once upon a time, there lived a poor shoemaker and his wife. The man was a good shoemaker who worked hard, but he and his wife were growing poorer and poorer, because times were hard, and work was scarce. At last, the time came when he had only one piece of leather. It was enough to make only one pair of shoes. That night, before the shoemaker went to bed, he cut out a pair of shoes and left them in the shop, ready to sew the next morning.  As he and his wife were going to bed that night, the shoemaker told his wife that he had only one piece of leather which would make only one pair of shoes. He told her that he did not know what they would do if he was not able to buy more leather from what he got for the shoes.  The next day, the shoemaker got up early and went downstairs. To his astonishment, he found that the shoes were already made with no bad stitch in them. He carefully examined the shoes and saw that they were perfect and said that he had never seen such beautiful sho...

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood was a little girl who lived with her parents in a house near the edge of a forest. Her father was a woodcutter who chopped wood all day.  She had a grandmother whom she loved as much as she loved her. She lived in a cottage in the wood. Nearly every day, she would visit her. One day, her mother told her to take some cake and blackcurrant juice to her grandmother because she was ill. Before she went, her mother told her not to wander off the path into the forest.  ‘Don’t worry, I won’t wander off.’ She said, as she took the basket and ran into the forest. On the way to her grandmother’s cottage, she met a wolf. She had never seen live wolf before and did not know how cunning wolves are. She thought he was a very large dog, and she was not at all afraid of him. ‘Good morning!’ said the wolf. ‘Good morning,’ she replied. The wolf asked her where she was going. She told him that she was going to her grandmother’s. The wolf asked her what as in her basket. Sh...